RITUAL NOTES — aromatic water RSS

A Diffuser: a must-have in a wellness medicine toolkit

The method of diffusion is one of the easiest ways to experience essential oils. It is the means of dispersing the molecules of essential oils into the atmosphere through an application that helps facilitate this process. One advantage of diffusing essential oils is the ability to affect not just yourself but others around you so they may benefit from the aroma. Diffusion is also a favorable way to use essential oils since it offers safer means for use around elderly or small children. 

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The beauty of Hydrosols for health and wellbeing

The art of distillation is both a sacred art and science-- it's the alchemy of converting plant material into an entirely new form and substance for supporting our mind, body and spirit. Most of us are familiar with this end result of plant conversion in an essential oil. But what many of us don’t know during this distillation process is it also provides the aromatic water of the plant known as hydrosol. 

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