RITUAL NOTES — manage stress RSS

How to ground yourself during this holiday season

So what does "grounding" actually mean, you may wonder? According to the Collins English Dictionary, "Grounding yourself, is the process of balancing your physical, emotional, mental and energy state and reconnecting them." It is the act of aligning your heart, mind, and body and bringing it to a level of homeostasis. Some symptoms that may indicate that feeling of 'misalignment' are physical attributes of heart racing rapidly, shaken nerves, inability to sit still, stressful thoughts, insomnia and worrying in the mind...this list can run quite long. 

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A Diffuser: a must-have in a wellness medicine toolkit

The method of diffusion is one of the easiest ways to experience essential oils. It is the means of dispersing the molecules of essential oils into the atmosphere through an application that helps facilitate this process. One advantage of diffusing essential oils is the ability to affect not just yourself but others around you so they may benefit from the aroma. Diffusion is also a favorable way to use essential oils since it offers safer means for use around elderly or small children. 

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Connecting to your inner resilience through aromatic ritual

As both a licensed massage therapist and certified aromatherapist, I have been turning to my professional resources to manage my own mental distress lately and what I have found to be immensely helpful is the practice of an aromatic ritual. I use my rituals to begin my day or when I feel uneasy . What is an aromatic ritual, you may wonder? It is the practice and repetition of using aromatics, specifically, essential oils to help manage stress. 

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